Default Template

From Documentations
Revision as of 15:04, 2 December 2022 by An (talk | contribs)

1. What is the Default template:

Default templates control what's rendered by default on each type of page in a Shopify theme.

As you might know, each page type in Shopify has an associated template type. And you must have a matching default template for any page type you want to render. For example, to render a product page, you need at least one default template of type product. In this case, all products will use the default template if you don't have an alternate template explicitly set.  

Ecb overview default theme new.jpg

Within the context of the Easy Content Builder, the app will work with the following default templates:

  • The product.json template renders the product pages, which contain a product's media and content, and a form for customers to select a variant and add it to the cart.
  • The page.json template renders the store's pages, like About us or Contact us.
  • The article.json template renders the article pages, which contain the full content of the article.

2. When is the Default template used in the Easy Content Builder app:

The Easy Content Builder (ECB) app allows you to build a unique template for each page with your custom layout and content.

The ECB app will use the Default template as a Base template in the following cases: