Add Metaobject entries

From Documentation

To populate the Metaobject template with data, you need to create Metaobject entries for each product/page/blog post. This will enable the template's Blocks to display the relevant information.

Add data (aka Metaobject entries)

Add Metaobject entries

NOTE: This guide provides instructions for adding Metaobject entries for products. The steps are the same for articles and store pages.


  • Go to your Shopify admin > Products.
  • Find and select the product to which you want to add metaobject-backed sections.
  • On the Edit Product screen, scroll down to the Metafields section, you will see a list of metafields below (depending on which metaobject definitions you created in Step 1):
  • ECB Rich Text
  • ECB Media
  • ECB Author
  • ECB Accordions.
  • ECB Tabs
  • ECB Icons With Text

For each metaobject you want to display on your theme, click on the corresponding metafield > click Add entry and fill out the fields for your metaobject entry.

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