Block: Circle Menu

From Documentation

The Circle Menu section lets you add a circle menu, square menu, or pill menu that showcases your featured product collections anywhere in your Shopify store. It turns the collection list into a ‘bubble navigation’ that fits well on any device.

You can create three distinct styles of Circle Menus:  

  1. Showcasing menus in a slider format  
  2. Arranging menus in a grid layout  
  3. Showcasing text-only menus, which can be either in a slider style or a horizontally scrolling format.
NOTE: This block is only available for the PRO plan. You can configure this block normally in the Theme Editor; however, you need to upgrade your plan to apply them to the front end.
By default, Easy Content Builder offers support for structured data ( to generate rich snippets for the Circle Menu section, ultimately enhancing the SEO performance of your Shopify store.

What is the Circle Menu section perfect for?

You have various options to use the Circle Menu section for your Shopify themes:

  • A text-only circle menu (Slider option) - see an example here. Ecb-circle-menu-slider.png
  • A text-only circle menu (Scrollable menu option) - see an example hereEcb-circle-menu-linear.png
  • A visual navigation that highlights your key collections - see an example here.


  • The circle menu displays the collection names inside the image (with an overlay-opacity)

Ecb circle overlay.jpg

  • A horizontal category filter - see an example here.


  • Showcase featured collections on your homepage or any store page - see an example here.


Watch video tutorial

Be sure to watch the step-by-step video tutorials demonstrating how to utilize the sections provided in Posstack Easy Content Builder, click here to watch the video.

How to add Circle Menu section

  • Step 1: Add a Section Settings section that allows you to control the global settings of the Circle Menu section.
In this special section, you can specify multi-column layouts, activate full width, determine the section's maximum width, choose a background color, and set global margins and padding, among other options.
  • Step 2: Add a Circle Menu section and customize the settings according to your preferences.


If you are new to our Easy Content Builder, please take a look at the Add Sections section for detailed instructions on how to add a section to your theme.

Circle Menu settings

Section settings Description
Select Collections Selects the product collections available in the list. Leave blank to display all categories.
Style Select the grid layout, slider, or scrollable menu options:
  • Slider: presents a horizontal menu displayed in a sliding format. Click the arrow to move to the next menu item.  
  • Grid: organizes the menu items in a grid layout.  
  • Scroll: offers a horizontally scrollable menu. You can swipe on mobile or scroll on desktop to navigate through the different menu items.
Item Style
  • Image + Title: Displays both the featured images of the Collection along with the Collection title as the menu item.
  • Title Only: Only the Collection title is shown, making it ideal for a text-only menu.

Note: For additional information on customizing the menu item when the Title Only option is enabled, please refer to the Link Style field below.

Items per row on Desktop Sets the number of menu items displayed per row on Desktop devices (Less than 992px and up).
Items per row on Mobile: Set the number of menu items displayed per row on Mobile devices (Less than 576px).
Gap Sets the gap between menu items.
Margin Right Sets the right margin to partly display the last menu item.
Image Overlay Place text on top of the image.
Link style Adds CSS classes to change the menu link style.
  • If you enable Image Overlay and set the Overlay Background Color as Dark, use this class: uk-light
  • If you enable Image Overlay and set the Overlay Background Color as Light, use these classes: uk-link-text uk-text-decoration-none

// Link Style (when the Item Style > Title Only is enabled):

  • uk-link-text: Use this class if you want to apply the default menu style.
  • uk-button-secondary uk-text-light: Apply these classes to create a button with a colored background and light text.
  • Note: If you wish to switch these classes to the primary style, use: uk-button-primary uk-text-light
Overlay Background Color Set it as Light for a light opacity overlay, Dark for a darker opacity overlay, or None to disable the overlay.
Image width (px) Sets the menu icon's width (in pixels).
Image height (px) Sets the menu icon's height (in pixels).
Image crop Cuts out a part of the menu icon: Top, Left, Bottom, Right, Center.
Border radius Adds rounded corners to the menu icons. You can set your menu icons with Circle, Rounded, or Pill values.

You can combine three fields - Image Width, Image Height, and Border radius - to create a wide variety of menu shapes: circle, square, rectangular, and oval.

Border width Sets a width for the borders around the menu icons.
Border color Sets a color for the borders around the menu icons.
Hover color Adds a hoverable border color for the borders around the menu icons.
Active Adds a border color for the borders around an active menu icon.
Show slider arrows Shows/hides the slider arrows on the Desktop. The slider arrows are hidden on mobile by default.
Show navigation Shows/hides the dot navigation. Set Mobile Only if you want to display just the dot navigation on mobile.

NOTE: If you enable the Margin Right, consider disabling the Show Navigation.

Slider set Enables this option to loop through a set of slides instead of single items.
Container max width Adjusts the container width (in pixels)

Animate on scroll:

Margin Sets the vertical spacing between elements.

Circle Menu tips

If you decide to position the Circle Menu section beneath the main header, here are a few suggestions to improve the menu:

1. Consider adding more top padding above the circle menu. You can easily adjust the Padding top value in your Section Settings to achieve this.

2. For mobile devices, applying a bit of left padding to the circle menu could be beneficial. Try adjusting the Container Max Width on Mobile to 98% or a value that suits your preference.


Add other content blocks

You can add many content blocks to a section you've created. These content blocks will be displayed in different positions within the section, depending on the Desktop/Mobile Layouts you configure.


See all content blocks available that you can add to a section.