Add Sections to a Metaobject Template

From Documentation

Add sections to a metaobject template

Add Sections

NOTE: You can follow the same steps as when adding a regular section using Easy Content Builder. For detailed steps, you can find more information here.

Connect metaobjects using Theme Editor

After you add a section with blocks or a block that supports dynamic sources, you can connect to metaobject references by clicking the Connect Dynamic Source icon next to the block name.

Connect at the Block level

For Blocks associated with one dedicated Metaobject (including Tabs, Accordion, and Image Grid), you need to link to the Media Metaobject reference.


Connect at the Field level

For Blocks that connect to multiple Metaobjects (e.g.: Image with text), you need to link to both Metaobject references:

  • Image Field: link to Media Metaobject
  • Text Link: link to Rich Text Metaobject


Tips: Use static texts for the Text fields if they display the same on all pages.
Example template

The following image shows a sample of the metaobject template that we created with Easy Content Builder. You can see the live demo by clicking here.


Next Steps

Checkout the guide for all steps of creating one Metaobject template for displaying recipes as an example.