Get Started

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Revision as of 09:24, 6 April 2023 by An (talk | contribs)

This tutorial will guide you through 4-easy-steps to build your first custom template using the Easy Content Builder app.

Before you begin, make sure you add Products, Blog Posts, or Pages that you want to create a custom template.

Then follow the steps below to add your first custom template:

Adding your first template

Step 1: Open your page (Product/Blog Post/Pages depending on which page you want to create a custom template)

Step 2: On the Edit page, click on More actions > Create a template

Step 3: Select a pre-built template suggested by the app (then you will be automatically redirected to the Theme Editor)

Step 4: Start adding and editing the app blocks as follows:

4.1. Define your section column layouts by adding/editing the Section Settings block.
You can add many sections per page, each with its column layout. See multi-column layouts available for your use here.
4.2. Add new blocks to that section as you wish. See all pre-built sections and blocks available for your use here.
Important Note: Always keep the Section Settings at the bottom of each Content Block list.
Reorder the Section settings block.png