Block Divider

From Documentation
Revision as of 04:41, 7 February 2023 by An (talk | contribs) (Add notice 'Available for Paid plan only')

The Divider block lets you add horizontal lines that separate the content sections of a page.  

[NOTE] This block is only available for PAID Plan. You can still add and edit this block normally in the Theme Editor. And it will be shown on the frontend once you upgrade your subscription to a Paid plan.

It supports a variety of 15 horizontal divider styles. In addition, you can also use a custom image as a divider and configure the image height to fit your needs.

Easy Content Builder - Divider Block

(If you’re new to our Easy Content Builder, please refer to section Add App Sections and Add ECB Blocks for more details on how to create and edit a section or a block.)

Block Settings Description
  • Fade
  • Fade 2
  • Text center: include a title text inside the horizontal divider. If enabled, you need to specify the Text, Text color, and Text background color accordingly.
  • Dots
  • Pill
  • Vertical lines
  • Horizontal lines
  • Slash 1
  • Slash 2
  • Bookends
  • Bookends dots
  • Flair
  • Shine
  • Charlie
  • Stars
Color Select the color of the divider
Text Enter the title text displayed inside the horizontal divider (only applied when Style is set to Text center)
Text Color Select the text color
Text Background Color Set the background color of the text
Image Upload a background image to use as a divider.
Image Height Set the height (px) of the background image
Background Image Repeat Set if the background image will be repeated horizontally
Max Width Set the maximum width of the container (in pixels). Enter 0 to use the default max width set by your theme
Padding Top Set the block’s padding top (in px)
Padding Bottom Set the block’s padding bottom (in px)
Margin Top Set the block’s margin top (in px)
Margin Bottom Set the block’s margin bottom (in px)