Create Template For Single Page

From Documentation
This tutorial will guide you through 4-easy-steps to build a custom template for a single page (Product, Blog Post, or Store Page).

Getting Started


Templates are a collection of sections that are pre-built by Easy Content Builder. Once you add a template to your theme, you can add, edit, reorder, or remove any section within that template to customize your theme.Ecb-usecase-single.jpg

Tutorial Video

Watch this overview video to learn how to build a new template and assign it to an individual page using Easy Content Builder.

Adding your first template

Step 1: Select an item (Product/Blog Post/Page)

In your Shopify admin, select your Product/Blog Post/Page (depending on which page you want to create a custom template)

Step 2: Create a template

On the Product/Blog Post/Page, click on More actions > Create a template

Depending on your specific page type, click on the action label Create Template for this product, Create Template for this page, or Create Template for this article.
Create product template.jpg
Step 3: Choose a pre-made template
Templates are a collection of sections that are pre-built by Easy Content Builder. Once you add a template to your theme, you can add your images and copy to fit your brand. You can easily edit, reorder, or remove any section within that template to create your ideal page.

Select a prebuilt template suggested by the app (then you will be automatically redirected to the Theme Editor). Easy Content Builder offers you three options to create a new template:

  • Select a prebuilt product template provided by the Easy Content Builder app.
  • Select from available templates of the main theme (if created before): This option is only visible if you did build templates using the Easy Content Builder app before. It allows you to speed up the workflow by reusing those templates. Please note this option is available when you upgrade to the Pro version.
  • Or create your own template from scratch.
TIP: Create a clean template first to avoid a known issue - "Must have a maximum of 25 sections" and hide default sections of default template when creating page from prebuilt template.
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We suggest you install the Theme Section Kit to customize your Shopify theme faster. This template contains prebuilt sections (Free and Pro versions) that you can edit, reorder, or hide through your Theme Editor. Preview the Theme Section Kit here.
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Step 4: Start customizing the template

Start adding and editing the app sections and blocks through your Shopify theme editor as follows:

Define your section column layouts
With Easy Content Builder, you define the layout on an individual section level. This is done by adding/editing the Sections Setting block. Learn how to add a Sections Setting block.
You can add many sections per page, each section with its column layout.
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Add new blocks to that section as you wish

After adding a Section Settings, you can add many content blocks to the section you've created. These content blocks will be displayed in different positions within the section, depending on the Desktop/Mobile Layouts you configure.

Each template can have multiple sections, and each section has a specific variety of blocks you can add. View all sections available here.


Set the Text color

The Text color setting is located in the Section Settings. Enter the HEX color value or choose from your currently used color (if any). Then, the new text's color will be applied to all content blocks within this section.

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Ensure you also update the Background Color or Container Background Color (under the same Section Settings panel) to pair with your new text's color.
Set the Background Color

Step 1: You can set the background color using CSS or Gradient.


If you add a HEX color value using the CSS option and want to change to the Gradient color, just remove the HEX color and switch to the Gradient mode.


The background color will be applied full-width to the whole section.

Ensure you adjust the Text Color (under the same Section Settings panel) to keep the text visible and highly contrasting.

Step 2 (Optional): Set the Padding Top/Padding Bottom (under the same Section Settings panel) to add desired horizontal space to the section.

Set the Container Background color


Use the Container Background Color setting to set the background color for the content area instead of the full-width background. You can define the background color using CSS or Gradient.

Ensure you set the Container Padding Top/Padding Bottom (under the same Section Settings panel) to add the desired horizontal space to the container.


Adjust the padding/margin of each section
The Easy Content Builder lets you adjust the space (padding and margin) between elements at two levels:
  • Section Settings level: refers to the global padding configurations for a section.
  • Block level: refers to the padding/margin of a specific block within a section (One section might come with multiple blocks in it.)
Ecb sections padding margin.jpg
How to change to existing fonts on Shopify
  • From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Themes.
  • Next to the theme that you want to edit, click Customize.
  • Use the Template drop-down menu to select a template.
  • Click on Theme Settings (the gear icon) > Typography (where you can change the font of all pages and templates on your Shopify store)
  • In your Typography settings, click the Change button to update your headings and body text fonts.
Shopify theme font config.jpg 
Handy tips: Check the checklist to pick a font combination (Plus 10 free font pairings to enhance your Shopify store): view details.
Adjust the font size, rounded corners, background color
  • If you want to change your font size, button, global background, border radius (rounded corners), etc., you can do so using the ECB's Custom CSS.
For Pro plan: In addition to the standard Custom CSS feature, you have an CSS Code Generator option - a handy option to generate CSS code automatically. Learn more.

Preview your custom template

Steps to preview your products, blog posts or pages with the new custom template:  

  1. From your Shopify admin, click Online Store > Themes.
  2. Find the theme that you want to edit, and then click Customize.
  3. Open the dropdown menu at the top of the page.
  4. Use the dropdown menu to select a template.
  5. In the sidebar, click Change.
  6. Select the product or page you want to preview with the selected template.

Delete a template

If you want to delete a template that you created using Easy Content Builder, here are the steps:

  • From your Shopify admin, click Apps > Easy Content Builder.
  • From the Easy Content Builder dashboard, click Manage Templates.
  • Then select the template that you want to remove and click Delete.

Manage template delete.png

Next steps

Manage and edit your templates
Set up multi-column layouts
  • Learn how to set up multi-column layouts:
We suggest you install the Theme Section Kit to customize your Shopify theme faster. This template contains prebuilt sections (Free and Pro versions) that you can edit, reorder, or hide through your Theme Editor. Preview the Theme Section Kit here.
Customize with Custom CSS
  • Learn how to customize your Shopify themes with Custom CSS using Easy Content Builder: 5-min video tutorial.
  • Do you want to change the primary, secondary, background color, font size, or border-radius? Refer to Custom CSS for more details on how to make those customizations.